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REI srls
REI srls
Sede principale: via Corso Porta Luce, 10
Galatina - (LECCE)
Phone:  0833 603022
For sale at Galatone building land in C.da Vasce - Vendita - Ref. GFC-668
1500 m²    |    € 60.000
Galatone (Lecce) Locality: Galatone

Terreno Edificabile N.C.
Residential for Sale 1500

For sale to Galatone building land in C.da Vasce of about 1500 square meters, of which 1190 sqm area C/3 and 302.35 sq m area B/2. Great solution in the immediate vicinity of Via S.Nicola di Pergoleto.
Code GFC-668
Euro 60,000.00

Galatone (LE)
City: Lecce
Town: Galatone
Locality: Galatone
Zip: 73044